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Served with Coleslaw, Hush Puppies and French Fries Substitute Sweet Potato Fries or Onion Rings.
All Poboys and Sandwiches come “Dressed” with Lettuce, Tomato, Pickle & Mayo. Add Cheese +1.25 • add Jalapeño +.75 Add Fried Green Tomato +2.49. Made with Gambino’s French Bread.
Served with French Fries or Steamed Veggies.
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***The Charity Roundup Program is solely operated by CitySpree and not DeliverLogic, Inc. By placing an order you agree that CitySpree is the sole party responsible for the charitable contribution and routing of charitable funds to a qualified charity fully disclosed to you. You specifically agree that DeliverLogic will not be held liable for any of CitySpree's actions and any recourse you may have will be against CitySpree.***
CitySpree is a veteran owned multi-restaurant delivery broker (the ONLY Locally owned service in Pensacola) and we are committed to bring delicious food right to wherever you want to eat, whether it’s at your business, home, or hotel. CitySpree partners with the area's best restaurants for the largest variety of cuisine types for lunch, dinner, and snacks.